Thursday, June 18, 2009


Persepolis is a French animated film based on the comic with the same title, created by Marjane Satraphi. It is a loosely autobiographical film that talked about how her life experience in different countries, and how she thought about her family and her country.

Marjane Satraphi is a French graphical novelist who was born in Tehran in the year of 1969. The movie focused a lot politically with the government that overthrew the Shah during Iranian Revolution in 1978. Marjane was born in a middle class family. They were scholars who enjoyed their freedom until the Iranian Revolution, when women were required to wear veil by laws, alcohol was forbidden, and Islam was made the official religion.

Marjane was an outspoken person during her college year. She asked many questions regarding why females were not allow to do certain things that men could. Marjane's parents had sent her abroad to Austria to experience a new life. She felt homesick and went back to Iran. Eventually the political crisis in Iran forced her to move to France, where she was allowed to express herself.

Overall, Persepolis is an emotional film because Marjane faced many different problems throughout her life, such as drug, men, and the problem of her homeland. The style of this film is black and white, then it became colorful toward the end, when the film went to "present-tense", to where Marjane was thinking about her childhood when she was in the airport.

Whether this film has a political motivation or not, this film showed how Iranian Revolution had changed people's live forever. People could no longer enjoy their freedom, and they can be arrested by talking about the government, drinking alcohol. This film is banned in Iran, saying that this film has given an incorrect image of the country. Whether you want to watch this film is up to you. For me, this film is definitely worth watching. (8.3/10)

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